Ass.-Prof. Bernardo Ballesteros, DPhil

Assistenzprofessur (Tenure-Track) für Frühgriechische Literatur und Sprache

Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein / Department of Classical Philology, Medieval and Neolatin Studies
Universität Wien / University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien


Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung / Office hours by appointment


Überblick | Overview


Curriculum Vitae | Academic CV

  • seit 2023

Assistenzprofessur (Tenure-Track) für Frühgriechische Literatur und Sprache

  • 2020–2023

Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow

Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford

  • 2020–2023

Research Fellow

Corpus Christi College, Oxford

  • 2019

Henri Frankfort Fellow

The Warburg Institute, University of London 

  • 2018–2020

Postdoctoral Fellow

Graduate School Distant Worlds, LMU Munich

  • 2016–2018

Teaching Assistant in Ancient Greek and Latin

Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford

  • 2016

Ancient Greek Language Instructor

Balliol College, Oxford

  • 2014–2016

Graduate Intercollegiate Language Instructor

Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford

  • 2013–2018

D.Phil in Classical Languages and Literature

Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford, awarded with 'no corrections'

  • 2008–2014

Diploma in Philological, Linguistic and Historical Disciplines in Classical Studies 

Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. 70 cum laude / 70

  • 2011–2013

Laurea Magistrale in Classical Philology and Ancient History

Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica, University of Pisa. 110 cum laude / 110

  • 2008–2011

Laurea Triennale in Humanities, Curriculum in Ancient Studies

Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica, University of Pisa. 110 cum laude / 110

Forschungsschwerpunkte | Scientific focus areas

  • Homer, Hesiod, Early Greek Epic
  • Sumero-Akkadian Poetry; Ancient Near Eastern Poetry and Myth 
  • Comparative Poetics, Mythology, and Religion in the Ancient World
  • Archaic and Classical Greek Poetry; Textual Criticism; History of the Ancient Greek Language.

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte | Current research projects

  • Homer's Iliad. Invited monograph, under contract with De Gruyter's Trends in Classics - Key Perspectives on Classical Research series
  • Song and Poetry. Framing Orality in the Global Mediterranean, co-edited with Prof. Ian Rutherford 
  • Divine Narratives. Religion and Literature in Greece and the Ancient Near East, co-edited with Dr. Alexandre Johnston

Publikationen | Publications

  • Divine Assemblies in Early Greek and Babylonian Epic, Oxford: Oxford University Press (in press)
  • Epic: Homer and Vergil, in Greco-Roman Literature. Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies Volume 6, eds. J.E. Sanzo and M. Sloan, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan (forthcoming)
  • Destiny, Agency and the Gods in Homer and Babylonian Epic, in Divine and Human Agency in Ancient Greek Thought, eds. A. Johnston and R. van Hoove,  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)
  • Greek and Near Eastern Epic: Context and Comparison, in The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Epic, ed. E. Greensmith, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2024, 17-40 (in press).
  • Proverbs and Gnōmai in the Epic of Gilgamesh, in Wisdom Between East and West: Mesopotamia, Greece and Beyond, eds. F. Schironi and M. Viano, Antiquity Studies 36 2024, (in press): (open access) 
  • Naming The Gods: Traditional Verse-Making in Homer and Old Babylonian Akkadian Poetry, Manuscript and Text Cultures 2/2, 2023, 11-50: (open access)
  • Introduction to 'Writing Orality', with D. Giordani, J. Miller, J. Parkhouse & F. Pischedda, Manuscript and Text Cultures 2/2, 2023, 1-11: (open access)
  • The Relieved Earth in Greek, Babylonian and Sanskrit Myths of Destruction, in Les récits de destruction en Méditerranée orientale ancienne, ed. I. Calini, Paris: Classiques Garnier 2023, 71-93:
  • On Gilgamesh and Homer: Ishtar, Aphrodite and the Meaning of a Parallel, The Classical Quarterly 71.1, 2021, 1-21:
  • Fashioning Pandora: Near Eastern Creation Scenes and Hesiod, in Gods and Mortals in early Greek and Near Eastern Mythology, eds. A. Kelly and C. Metcalf, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 262-75:
  • Challenges of Homeric Criticism, in Koten no Chōsen. Challenges of Classics, eds. V. Cazzato and Y. Kasai, Tokyo: Chisen Shokan, 2021, 31-58: (in Japanese).
  • Review of Jonathan L. Ready, The Homeric Simile in Comparative Perspectives. Oral Traditions from Saudi Arabia to Indonesia, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018, Gnomon. Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft 93, 2021, 193-6.
  • Poseidon and Zeus in Iliad 7 and Odyssey 13: On a Case of Homeric Imitation, Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie 148, 2020, 259-77,
  • Nestore oratore nell'Iliade: strategie del narratore, posizioni del personaggio, Talia Dixit: revista interdisciplinar de retórica e historiografía 7, 2012, 1-29: (open access)

Vortragstätigkeit | Talks

  • Honours and Destinies: Hesiod's Theogony and the Babylonian Epic of Creation, 'Ancient Philosophy Beyond Borders', organised by Dr Lea Cantor and Dr Arthur Harris, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, 14-15 March 2024
  • Huwawa and the Cyclops: Religious Thought and Poetic Justice in the Gilgamesh and Homeric Traditions,'The Gods in Literature' organised by Dr. B. Ballesteros and Dr, A. Johnston, University of Oxford, 21-22 June 2023.
  • Homer and Gilgamesh,'Performing Epic - Gilgamesh and Beyond: A workshop with scholars and creative artists', organised by Prof. Fiona Macintosh and Alice Oswald, All Souls College, Oxford, 4 March 2023
  • The Resilience of Orality in Cuneiform and the Alphabet: Babylonian and early Greek Epic, 'Anchoring the Invention of Writing in Ancient Societies: A Global Comparative Approach' organised by Prof. I. Sluiter and Dr. W. Waal, Universiteit Leiden, 15-17 December 2022.
  • Gnomai and Proverbs in Homer and Gilgamesh. 'Wisdom Literature East and West', organised by Dr F. Schironi and Prof. M. Viano, Turin, Dipartimento di Studi Storici, 26-27 October 2022.
  • Performance and Composition in Homeric and Near Eastern Epic, 'Song and Poetry in Early Greece and the Near East: Framing Orality in the Global Mediterranean' organised by Dr B. Ballesteros (with the collaboration of Prof. I. Rutherford), Oxford, Faculty of Classics, 20-21 July 2022.
  • Divine Systems and Cosmic destruction in Sanskrit, Sumero-Akkadian and Early Greek Epic, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 08 Feburary 2022.
  • Destroying Mankind Globally: Greek, Babylonian and Sanskrit Perspectives, Déluges et autres destructions. Les récits de la fin dans la Méditerranée orientale ancienne, organised by I. Calini, Paris, École pratique des hautes études, 19-20 September 2021.

Tagungen & Workshops | Conferences Organised

  • Variation as Creation: Textual Variants in Pre-Modern Cultures: Greek, Babylonian, Sanskrit and Beyond, University of Vienna. Funding: Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, University of Vienna (€ 2.700), 3-4 September 2024.
  • Early Text Cultures research group at the University of Oxford: acting as Scientific Adviser (2020/2021), Deputy Chair (2022/2023), and Chair (2021/2022).

2022/2023: 3 online/hybrid Seminars and Workshops: 

Pre-Modern Commentaries

Anthropology and Religion

Madness in Pre-Modern Cultures

2021/2022: 3 online Seminars and Workshops:

Scribal Identity and Agency

Gender Identities in Early and Pre-Modern Text Cultures

Textual Cultures in Contact

2020/2021: 3 Seminars and Workshops: 


Writing Orality

Astronomy and Astrology 

  • Research Forum der LMU Graduate School 'Distant Worlds' und des Promotionsprogramms Altertumwissenschaften im Wintersemester 2019/2020, Munich, 31 January 2020 (with Dr Alexander L. Sollee).

Auszeichnungen, Stipendien, Preise | Awards, Scholarships, Prizes

  • 2023 

Overbrook Grant Fund, University College, Oxford (with Dr Alexandre Johnston)

  • 2020 

Research Fellowship, Corpus Christi College, Oxford

Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship

  • 2019 

Henri Frankfort Fellowship, The Warburg Institute, SAS University of London

  • 2016 

Advanced Seminar in the Humanities Fellowship (Venice International University)

Faculty of Classics, Oxford, Travel Award (OIKOS-LMU-Oxford programme)

Director of Graduate Studies Fund Award (awarded twice)

Roy Skinner Fund Maintenance Grant

Domus Fund Maintenance Grant

T.W. Greene Fund Award

  • 2015 

Derby Fund Award

Brand Fund Bursary Maintenance Grant

Balliol Society Bursary

Domus Fund Maintenance Grant

  • 2014 

Balliol Society Bursary

Domus Fund Graduate Bursary

  • 2013 

Scuola Normale Superiore International Academic Activity Scholarship

University of Pisa Erasmus+ Scholarship

  • 2008-2013 

Scuola Normale Superiore full-funding Scholarship

  • 2008 

First Prize International Agon Sophokleios

Lehre (in Auswahl) | Teaching (selection)

aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen in u:find

  • 2024

Griechische Lektüre I (Teil 2): Homer, Ilias

Historische Grammatik des Griechischen

  • 2023

Teilgebiet der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung) - Homer, Early Greek Epic and the Near East

Proseminar zur Historischen Grammatik des Griechischen